Luigi embarks on a dream vacation with Mario and friends upon receiving an invitation to a luxurious hotel. However, his dream quickly becomes a nightmare when King Boo reveals everything had been a ploy to capture Mario and friends. With the assistance of Professor E. Gadd once again, the reluctant and cowardly hero Luigi traverses…
Availability: 1
Luigi embarks on a dream vacation with Mario and friends upon receiving an invitation to a luxurious hotel. However, his dream quickly becomes a nightmare when King Boo reveals everything had been a ploy to capture Mario and friends. With the assistance of Professor E. Gadd once again, the reluctant and cowardly hero Luigi traverses up and down treacherous floors of the now-ominous hotel on a quest to save them.
Developers | Next level games |
Publishers | Nintendo |
Genres | Action, Adventure |
Platform | Nintendo |
Languages | Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish |
Release date | 2019-10-31 |
Age rating | PEGI 7 |
Metacritic score | 86 |
Regional limitations | 1 |
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