This first-person story-driven shooter and entry in the Bioshock franchise follows Booker DeWitt as he enters the floating independent (formerly US) city of Columbia in 1912 and attempts to retrieve a girl trapped in a tower by the city's self-proclaimed despot/prophet in order to erase his financial debt. Throughout the story, themes of violence, racism…
Availability: 12
This first-person story-driven shooter and entry in the Bioshock franchise follows Booker DeWitt as he enters the floating independent (formerly US) city of Columbia in 1912 and attempts to retrieve a girl trapped in a tower by the city's self-proclaimed despot/prophet in order to erase his financial debt. Throughout the story, themes of violence, racism and fatalism are brought up.
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Release date | 2013-03-26 |
Steam | Yes |
Age rating | PEGI 18 |
Regional limitations | 1 |
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