Detroit: Become Human is an neo-noir thriller. The plot revolves around three androids: Kara, who escapes the factory she was made in to explore her newfound sentience; Connor, whose job it is to hunt down deviant androids like Kara; and Markus, who devotes himself to releasing the androids from servitude. The characters may survive or…
Availability: 5
Detroit: Become Human is an neo-noir thriller. The plot revolves around three androids: Kara, who escapes the factory she was made in to explore her newfound sentience; Connor, whose job it is to hunt down deviant androids like Kara; and Markus, who devotes himself to releasing the androids from servitude. The characters may survive or perish depending on the choices that are made, which serve to shape the story as customised by the player.
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Release date | 2020-06-18 |
Steam | Yes |
Age rating | PEGI 18 |
Metacritic score | 80 |
Regional limitations | 1 |
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